Εγκρίθηκαν 5 θέσεις οδηγών λεωφορείων για την ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ από το πρόγραμμα του ΟΑΕΔ 55-67Οι προσλήψεις θα είναι ορισμένου χρόνου για διάστημα 12 μηνών και δυνατότητα παράτασης επιπλέον 12 μήνες.Το πρόγραμμα του ΟΑΕΔ αφορά μακροχρόνια άνεργους άνδρες ή γυναίκες.Τα απαραίτητά κριτήρια για γίνει κάποιος δεκτός στο πρόγραμμα είναιΝα έχει ηλικία μεταξύ 55 έως 67 ετώνΝα είναι εγγεγραμμένος στα μητρώα του ΟΑΕΔ για τουλάχιστον 12 μήνες.Να είναι κάτοχος άδειας οδήγησης κατηγορίας Δ-Ε και ΠΕΙ τα οποία πρέπει να είναι σε ισχύΝα έχει προϋπηρεσία σαν οδηγός λεωφορείουΤσίκκης Ν. ΔημήτριοςΠρόεδρος διοικητικού Συμβουλίου...
Σύντομα διαθέσιμα νέα προϊόντα εισιτηρίων.Σημασία δεν έχει ο προορισμός αλλά το ΤΑΞΙΔΙ και όλοι εμείς στην ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ υποσχόμαστε ότι θα ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΞΕΧΑΣΤΟ !!!...
DES RODA was established by the Decision of the Board of the Municipality of Rhodes 154A
/ 2011 (3) - Government Gazette 992 B’ of 26th of May 2011. With the Decision of the Board of the Municipality of Rhodes, the merger of a number of
Charitable Municipal Enterprises was achieved and the Municipal Transportation Company
under the name "DES RODA” was established. The Legal Form of the Municipal Transportation Company “DES RODA” is the one of
Charitable Company, supporting the Public Transportation Services in the Island of Rhodes. The duration of the Company has been agreed for fifty years from the publication of its
establishment in 2011.
Based on the company’s Articles of Association, the company may be dissolved before the
end of its statutory life, after a decision of the Municipal Council (absolute majority of the
Council members).
After the liquidation of the Company, its assets belong to the Municipality of Rhodes.
The share capital of the company amounts €3,555,601.88. The company is headquartered in Rhodes.
Scope and Objectives of DES ODA
The scope and the particular aims of the Municipal Transportation Company DES RODA can
be summarized as follows: • The service - by employing the appropriate number of buses - of the urban and
interurban lines of the Rhodes Island, as stated in the Municipal Decision of DES RODA
establishment. The lines served, may be transformed, increased or modified based on
the specific future transportation needs. • Transportation of the students, members of associations, institutions, and various
public bodies of the Municipality of Rhodes, children of kindergartens and nurseries
of the Municipality of Rhodes, inside and outside the urban area of Rhodes Island and
generally the provision of transportation services in the Municipality of Rhodes for
social purposes and cases of emergency. • The introduction of actions promoting cultural tourism. • The operation of the tourist trains aiming at the supporting of the cultural tourism of
the Rhodes island.STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2021
4 • The undertaking and execution of "social programs" such as "Help at Home", "Social
Welfare", "Support actions for the Elderly”, etc.
The broader objectives of the operation of the Municipal Transport Company DES RODA
concern: • The improvement of public transport on the island of Rhodes for the benefit
of residents and visitors, • The elimination of social, geographical and economic isolation of municipal
districts, • The promotion of accessibility for all social categories (i.e children, those in
need, refugees, elderly, etc), The promotion of local economic development, • The viability of transport networks, • The environmental concern of the company, • The gradual expansion towards meeting the current and future needs of the
Municipality transport needs, • The supporting of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Municipality of
Rhodes • The implementation of the objectives, priorities and initiatives raised for the
adaptation to the Municipal, Regional, National and European Union
Environmental Directives and Policies
Resources – Assets – Financing of OPEX & CAPEX
According to the Decision of the Board of the Municipality of Rhodes 154A / 2011 (3) -
Government Gazette 992 B’ on the 26th of May 2011, the sources of funding of DES RODA can
be: • Financing from the Municipality of Rhodes for the activities and the services provided
in the establishment Decisions
• Revenues from the provision of services and the operational activities (i.e ticket
selling), the provision of services to local or Regional Authorities, other public or nonpublic bodies and third parties willing to contribute for actions related to the
company’s statutory purpose • Participation in Grants, Subsidies and Co-financed Programs based on relevant Calls,
either in Regional, National or EU level. • Donations, sponsorships, financial aid from legal entities of the public or private
sector and physical persons. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2021
5 • Income from related business activities, such as advertising
Administration of DES RODA
According to Article 255 of Law 3463/2006, Municipal Transport Company is governed by a
Board of Directors, consisting of seven (7) to eleven (11) members, who are appointed
together with their deputies by the Municipal Council.
At least three (3) of the above, are elected representatives of the Municipality, one (1) is a
representative of the employees of DES RODA nominated by their general assembly, and one
(1) is a representative of a Social body existing in the Municipality. The remaining members
are citizens or residents of the Municipality who have experience or knowledge related to
the operational activity of DES RODA. In the case of elected members, at least one of them
represents the opposition.
The term of the board of directors follows the term of the municipal council. In any case, the
term expires no later than three (3) months after the installation of the new municipal
Members of the board of directors may be replaced during their term of office by a reasoned
decision of the municipal or community council that appointed them, which is taken by an
absolute majority of the total number of its members.
The decisions of the Board of Directors of the company are approved by the Municipal
Council, if they concern:
a) The voting of the budget, the balance sheet and the annual report of activities
b) The purchase or sale of real estate or any mortgage
c) The distribution of net profit or the development of an investment plan
d) The increase of the company's share capital
e) The merger or dissolution of the company.
f) The decision for loans
A majority of all members of the respective council is required for the legal adoption or
approval of the above decisions.
The Board of Directors is responsible to draft Regulations that are deemed necessary for the
company’s operations.
DES RODA has already approved the following Regulations:STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2021
6 • Company Staff Regulations (approved by Decision No. 50/2013) • Financial Management Regulation (approved by Decision No. 51/2013) • Regulation of the Board of Directors ((approved by Decision No. 52/2013) • Manual of Management Adequacy Procedures Type B and C (approved by
Decision No. 105/2020 and certified by the ELOT standard 1429/2008 (valid
until 23.12.2023). These procedures prove the managerial capacity of the
Company in case of its participation in EU co-funded projects and Calls.
Decision for the Routes / Fare / Operations Planning
The minimum number of mandatory routes is determined following a Decision of the Board
of Directors of DES RODA, approval of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Rhodes
and ratification of the Decision by the Decentralized Administration or the South Aegean
Region (par. 1 of Article 8 of Law 2996 "Government Gazette 268 / t .Α΄ / 23-11-2001 »),
The itineraries and routes are announced every year by DES RODA for each transport line.
The announcements are posted on the website of DES RODA, on the relevant website of the
Municipality of Rhodes, in prominent places in the Municipality of Rhodes and on all stops
(digital or physical) located along the routes and include at least the following information
in Greek and English:
• The logo of DES RODA with reference to the offered services,• The time of departure and arrival of the itineraries,• The price of the ticket, • The modes of selling / supplying the tickets, • The duration of the announcement
The starting point, the end, the stops and the parking spaces for the buses of DES RODA are
determined following a Decision of the Board of DES RODA.
The fare for Public Transport is determined and adjusted by a decision of the Board of
Directors of DES RODA.
With a Decision of the Board of Directors of DES RODA, the system and the equipment for
the collection of fare and the assurance of the incomes on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis
are determined, ensuring the long-term viability of the company.STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2021
Project Planning
DES RODA has established solid process for the timely and rational planning of the necessary
projects, bearing in mind the maximization of the offered services and the utilization of the
existing resources.
According to the approved Organization Chart of DES RODA, the following Departments are
involved in the project planning of DES RODA: • Department of Project Planning • Department of Project Implementation • Financial Department – Accounting (including Procurement services) • Department of Administration
Project Planning involves the following steps: • Needs Identification
• Project Identification
• Financial Sources Identification • Project Implementation (including procurement procedures) • Project Delivery
DES RODA follows the Greek Public Procurement legislative framework, which ensures also
the appropriate handling for the co-financed projects.
Participation in EU Funded projects
During the last three years, DES RODA participated in co-funded Projects, either as final
Beneficiary or as a “Project Implementation” Body.
1. Interreg Greece – Cyprus 2014 – 2020 (Project Acronym: EYKINHSH) (2017-
The Project aims at promoting smart, sustainable and alternative mobility in the crossborder area. The project helped the participating regions to develop an operational
framework for the strengthening and environmental upgrading of Urban Transport, which
includes: • Integrated telematic systems for urban transport, including dynamic public
information systems STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2021
8 • Acquisition of modern environmentally friendly Public Transport vehicles of
low or zero emissions. • Development of Integrated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans • Joint actions to raise public awareness, create incentives and organize events
to promote the use of Public Transport Means • Joint actions for publicity and promotion of the Project results as a good
ΕΞΗΝΤΑ (60) ΝΕΕΣ ΣΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΛΕΩΦΟΡΕΙΩΝΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΔΟΤΗΣΗ 160.000 ΕΥΡΩ από το υπουργείο εσωτερικών.Για υπογραφή στον αρμόδιο υπουργό έχει σταλεί το σχέδιο της απόφασης ένταξης για την χρηματοδότηση του Δ. ΡΟΔΟΥ ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ για την «Προμήθεια εξοπλισμό, κατασκευή, μεταφορά, και τοποθέτηση των στεγάστρων λεωφορείων εξυπηρέτησης του επιβατικού κοινού Δ. ΡΟΔΟΥ ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ»Από την πρώτη στιγμή η Δημοτική Αρχή του Αντώνη Β. Καμπουράκη ασχολήθηκε με τον χρηματοδοτικό εργαλείο για την αντικατάσταση των στεγάστρων της ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ. Τα νέα στέγαστρα θα αποτελούν κόσμημα για το νησί της Ρόδου παρέχοντας ιδιαίτερες διευκολύνσεις στου επιβάτες της ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ επιλεγμένα δε στέγαστρα θα τοποθετηθεί φωτοβολταικό αυτόνομο σύστημα ηλεκτροδότησης, info kiosks για πληροφορίες για το νησί της Ρόδου, αυτόματοι πωλητές εισιτηρίων, φόρτιση συσκευών κλπ. Για την μελέτη συνεργάστηκαν οι τεχνικές υπηρεσίες του Δήμου και οι τεχνική υπηρεσία της ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ.Η διοίκηση της ΔΕΣ ΡΟΔΑ εκφράζει τις ευχαριστίες της για την θετική αυτή εξέλιξη και ευχαριστεί τον Δήμαρχο Αντώνη Β. Καμπουράκη για την συμβολή του στης έγκριση του αιτήματος για χρηματοδότηση.Τσίκκης Ν. ΔημήτριοςΠρόεδρος διοικητικού ΣυμβουλίουΔημοτική Επιχείρηση Συγκοινωνιών ΔΗΜΟΥ ΡΟΔΟΥ (Δ.Ε.Σ.ΡΟΔΑ)...
Ανακοινώνει Την πρόσληψη, με σύμβαση εργασίας ιδιωτικού δικαίου ορισμένου χρόνου, συνολικά δώδεκα (12) ατόμων για την κάλυψη εποχικών ή παροδικών αναγκών με την παροχή υπηρεσιών έναντι αντιτίμου της Δημοτικής Επιχείρησης Συγκοινωνιών ΡΟΔΑ, που εδρεύει στη Ρόδο, Ν. Δωδεκανήσου, και συγκεκριμένα του εξής, ανά υπηρεσία, έδρα, Σελίδα 3 από 12 ειδικότητα και διάρκεια σύμβασης, αριθμού ατόμων (βλ. ΠΙΝΑΚΑ Α), με τα αντίστοιχα απαιτούμενα (τυπικά και τυχόν πρόσθετα) προσόντα (βλ. ΠΙΝΑΚΑ Β):ΕΠΙΣΥΝΑΠΤΟΝΑΙ ΤΡΙΑ (3) ΑΡΧΕΙΑ ΣΕ ΜΟΡΦΗ PDF...